Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What has Spring got to do with Coffee?

Right now millions of tiny plants are urgently pushing their tiny heads through the soil, fighting for survival and rebirth. The energy of spring is incredibly strong. It surges with the force of reproduction, more so when we're young. When we're young not only is the Qi of our reproductive system abundant, our bodies are relatively free of stagnation. So, when the crazy Qi of spring, also known as Wood or Liver Qi, starts moving, there are fewer blocks to its free flow. We feel frisky and happy. But, as the years pass, Qi that didn't move when it was supposed to creates stagnation. Imagine a pond where crud has jammed up most egress. If that pond suddenly had a giant influx of Qi/water, it would either overflow, or just become more stagnant. In your tiny body ecosystem, the giant influx of Spring Qi can make you frisky, or just plane grouchy, all depending on how much stagnation there is accumulated in your body. Lots of things move Qi stagnation. The two most common however, are exercise and coffee! However, if you find yourself unable to function without large influxes of either, you should consult and acupuncturist. Stagnation is the starting point of many disorders and while coffee may feel good, it isn't a long term fix.

Welcome to Spring 2010 and the first post to Stems and Branches, the blog of Milton Acupuncture!

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